Upcoming events.

Hosanna: A Spiritual Journey through Holy Week
to Apr 13

Hosanna: A Spiritual Journey through Holy Week

Hosanna: A spirtual Journey through Holy Week

Join Rev. Brant Piper this Lent as we explore the main texts in all four Gospels and in Paul’s writings that deal specifically with the last week of Jesus’ life and with the resurrection.

Dates: Sundays 11:30-12:30 MARCH 2, 9, 16, 23, AND APRIL 13


Wednesdays 6:30-7:30pm MARCH 12, 19, 26, AND APRIL 2, 9

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Spring @ First
to Apr 9

Spring @ First

Spring @ First
Join us Wednesdays at 12:15 for a five week series of half-hour recitals celebrating the resurrection and the return of spring. Concerts are free for all attendees. Donations are accepted.

*Please check back each week to see if lunch will available. We are still trying to finalize volunteers to make lunches*






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Women’s History Month Concert

Women’s History Month Concert

In celebration of Women's History Month, the Midland Alumnae Chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota invites you to a very special concert celebrating the importance of women composers and women performers. This concert includes local musicians showcasing the performing arts in Mid-Michigan.

This is a free concert.

Donations toward our music philanthropies will be accepted at the door.

The Midland Alumnae Chapter of SAI supports national philanthropies such as People to People which provides instruments to locations around the globe. The chapter also created and administers the Great Lakes Bay Music Instrument Recovery (GLBMIR) which takes in, repairs and distributes needed instruments and cases locally.

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Volunteer Opportunity

Volunteer Opportunity

Mission Matters: If you are looking for a wonderful volunteer experience, we are joining with Westminster Pres to sponsor a full bed build for the Sleep in Heavenly Peace organization. We need 50-60 volunteers between the churches to make this happen! The date is the morning of April 12 from 8:45 until roughly noon. We’ll have a lunch afterwards in the break room at Delta.

Sleep in Heavenly Peace (SHP) is a national non-profit organization that makes handmade bunk beds for needy children who do not have a bed of their own. No construction skills are required, and SHP provides training and all tools and equipment. The build will take place at Delta College. Delta is requiring that all participants be at least 18 years old. In order to sign up, you must use the QR code in the flyer. Spaces are limited, so if you are interested sign up soon! Please see Pastor Brenna with any questions.

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Road Rally

Road Rally

Meet at church - get in teams - solve riddles & puzzles, and perform simple team tasks as you drive around town visiting fun checkpoints and drawing playing cards.
At the end of the journey, we meet for a fun cookout. The team who has drawn the best poker hands wins the trophy!
Bring your team, or join a team when you arrive. It's just pure fun!

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Alex Burke Memorial Euchre Tournament

Alex Burke Memorial Euchre Tournament

Join us for our annual Euchre tournament

64 players/32 teams compete for the top 3 cash prizes.
$20 per person to play. Blind partners. Cash prizes for top 3 teams.

To sign up call the church or sign up on our facebook page.

Proceeds benefit Youth Missions and Barb Smith Suicide Resource & Response Network

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Deck the Halls - Advent Sermon Series

Deck the Halls - Advent Sermon Series

As we get out the Christmas lights, ornaments and tinsel to decorate our homes this year, it might be hard for some of us to feel the holiday cheer. We have truly been through a lot this year! In this season, as we prepare to celebrate the arrival of Jesus, we can prepare by decorating our lives with what matters: the hope, peace, joy and love of God.

Week 1: Deck the Halls with Hope | Scripture: Isaiah 9:2-7

In times when we feel uncertain, God provides an answer.

Week 2: Deck the Halls with Peace | Scripture: Isaiah 26:7-13

In an uneven season of stress and distractions, God offers us the roadmap to peace.

Week 3: Deck the Halls with Joy | Children’s Musical

Week 4: Deck the Halls with Love | Scripture: Matthew 1:18-25

God is with us always and gives us the greatest gift of love, the choice to accept it, and the call to share it.

Christmas Eve/Christmas Day: Deck the Halls for Christ | Scripture: Luke 2:1-20

We come this day to celebrate the birth of Christ, the Savior of the world.

Week 5: Deck the Halls with a Promise Fulfilled | Scripture: Luke 2:22-40

As we celebrate the promise of God, fulfilled in Jesus, we hold onto God’s promises for our lives too.

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Christmas Eve Worship

Christmas Eve Worship

We hope you and your family will join us for our candle light Christmas Eve service. Let’s celebrate the coming of Christ together with joy! Yummy treats will be served after.

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New members class

New members class

Interested in going FPC? Just have questions about how we are or what it means to be presbyterian? Join Pastor Brenna after worship on Sunday the 25th for snacks and answers to all your questions.

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Deck the Halls - Advent Sermon Series

Deck the Halls - Advent Sermon Series

As we get out the Christmas lights, ornaments and tinsel to decorate our homes this year, it might be hard for some of us to feel the holiday cheer. We have truly been through a lot this year! In this season, as we prepare to celebrate the arrival of Jesus, we can prepare by decorating our lives with what matters: the hope, peace, joy and love of God.

Week 1: Deck the Halls with Hope | Scripture: Isaiah 9:2-7

In times when we feel uncertain, God provides an answer.

Week 2: Deck the Halls with Peace | Scripture: Isaiah 26:7-13

In an uneven season of stress and distractions, God offers us the roadmap to peace.

Week 3: Deck the Halls with Joy | Children’s Musical

Week 4: Deck the Halls with Love | Scripture: Matthew 1:18-25

God is with us always and gives us the greatest gift of love, the choice to accept it, and the call to share it.

Christmas Eve/Christmas Day: Deck the Halls for Christ | Scripture: Luke 2:1-20

We come this day to celebrate the birth of Christ, the Savior of the world.

Week 5: Deck the Halls with a Promise Fulfilled | Scripture: Luke 2:22-40

As we celebrate the promise of God, fulfilled in Jesus, we hold onto God’s promises for our lives too.

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Free Advent Concert (Copy) (Copy)

Free Advent Concert (Copy) (Copy)

You are invited to join for our annual free Advent concerts for the community! Lunch is available for purchase starting at 11:45, and available again following the conclusion of the concert. First Presbyterian Church is an accessible building. Any donations collected at the concerts will go to supporting future concerts for the community.

Dec. 4 12:15-1pm
Trio Elegante
The duo of Mary Adams, cello, and Cindy Mikilin, violin, are joined by Jan Sutherland, piano.

Dec. 11 12:15-1pm
Megan Farison, vocalist
Jan Sutherland, accompanist

Dec. 18 12:15-1pm
Wendy Chu, pianist

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Blue Christmas

Blue Christmas

Join us this Sunday at 4pm as we gather together to take time for the hard parts of the holiday season. This isa service for those who find themselves struggling to find joy, who are grieving, who feel pain and sadness in the midst of world that seems to forget that not every holiday is a happy one. We will loathe together to to hold space for the darkness in our souls while remembering the promise of the coming light.

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Deck the Halls - Advent Sermon Series

Deck the Halls - Advent Sermon Series

As we get out the Christmas lights, ornaments and tinsel to decorate our homes this year, it might be hard for some of us to feel the holiday cheer. We have truly been through a lot this year! In this season, as we prepare to celebrate the arrival of Jesus, we can prepare by decorating our lives with what matters: the hope, peace, joy and love of God.

Week 1: Deck the Halls with Hope | Scripture: Isaiah 9:2-7

In times when we feel uncertain, God provides an answer.

Week 2: Deck the Halls with Peace | Scripture: Isaiah 26:7-13

In an uneven season of stress and distractions, God offers us the roadmap to peace.

Week 3: Deck the Halls with Joy | Children’s Musical

Week 4: Deck the Halls with Love | Scripture: Matthew 1:18-25

God is with us always and gives us the greatest gift of love, the choice to accept it, and the call to share it.

Christmas Eve/Christmas Day: Deck the Halls for Christ | Scripture: Luke 2:1-20

We come this day to celebrate the birth of Christ, the Savior of the world.

Week 5: Deck the Halls with a Promise Fulfilled | Scripture: Luke 2:22-40

As we celebrate the promise of God, fulfilled in Jesus, we hold onto God’s promises for our lives too.

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Free Advent Concert (Copy)

Free Advent Concert (Copy)

You are invited to join for our annual free Advent concerts for the community! Lunch is available for purchase starting at 11:45, and available again following the conclusion of the concert. First Presbyterian Church is an accessible building. Any donations collected at the concerts will go to supporting future concerts for the community.

Dec. 4 12:15-1pm
Trio Elegante
The duo of Mary Adams, cello, and Cindy Mikilin, violin, are joined by Jan Sutherland, piano.

Dec. 11 12:15-1pm
Megan Farison, vocalist
Jan Sutherland, accompanist

Dec. 18 12:15-1pm
Wendy Chu, pianist

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Terrific Tuesday

Terrific Tuesday

Could you use a couple of hours to get things done...without the kids? We'll watch them, feed them dinner, and entertain them with games, crafts and music!

REGISTRATION REQUIRED -- we need to know how many to expect!

Sign up in the Commons on Sunday morning or contact our Children's Director, Emily White directly. You will need to sign a release when you drop off.

There is no charge -- but if you want to leave a donation to help us fill our new Kids Reading Room with comfy furnishings and fun books & games...we would love that!

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Music and Mission Cookie Cabaret

Music and Mission Cookie Cabaret

Join us Sunday, December 8th in Fellowship Hall for the Christmas Cookie Cabaret, a fundraiser Music ministries. You are invited to bring a contribution to a potluck lunch starting at 11:30 and the cabaret will begin at 12:00pm!

Christmas cookies will provided and available to be decorated at intermission, and a holiday sing-along will conclude the festivities.

All Christmas themed acts are welcome to participate. Contact Jan at jant@tm.net

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Deck the Halls - Advent Sermon Series

Deck the Halls - Advent Sermon Series

As we get out the Christmas lights, ornaments and tinsel to decorate our homes this year, it might be hard for some of us to feel the holiday cheer. We have truly been through a lot this year! In this season, as we prepare to celebrate the arrival of Jesus, we can prepare by decorating our lives with what matters: the hope, peace, joy and love of God.

Week 1: Deck the Halls with Hope | Scripture: Isaiah 9:2-7

In times when we feel uncertain, God provides an answer.

Week 2: Deck the Halls with Peace | Scripture: Isaiah 26:7-13

In an uneven season of stress and distractions, God offers us the roadmap to peace.

Week 3: Deck the Halls with Joy | Children’s Musical

Week 4: Deck the Halls with Love | Scripture: Matthew 1:18-25

God is with us always and gives us the greatest gift of love, the choice to accept it, and the call to share it.

Christmas Eve/Christmas Day: Deck the Halls for Christ | Scripture: Luke 2:1-20

We come this day to celebrate the birth of Christ, the Savior of the world.

Week 5: Deck the Halls with a Promise Fulfilled | Scripture: Luke 2:22-40

As we celebrate the promise of God, fulfilled in Jesus, we hold onto God’s promises for our lives too.

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Free Advent Concert

Free Advent Concert

You are invited to join for our annual free Advent concerts for the community! Lunch is available for purchase starting at 11:45, and available again following the conclusion of the concert. First Presbyterian Church is an accessible building. Any donations collected at the concerts will go to supporting future concerts for the community.

Dec. 4 12:15-1pm
Trio Elegante
The duo of Mary Adams, cello, and Cindy Mikilin, violin, are joined by Jan Sutherland, piano.

Dec. 11 12:15-1pm
Megan Farison, vocalist
Jan Sutherland, accompanist

Dec. 18 12:15-1pm
Wendy Chu, pianist

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Cookie Walk

Cookie Walk

Choose from our homemade goodies and simply make a $ donation!
Your generous contributions help our youth go to workcamp and help people

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Deck the Halls - Advent Sermon Series

Deck the Halls - Advent Sermon Series

As we get out the Christmas lights, ornaments and tinsel to decorate our homes this year, it might be hard for some of us to feel the holiday cheer. We have truly been through a lot this year! In this season, as we prepare to celebrate the arrival of Jesus, we can prepare by decorating our lives with what matters: the hope, peace, joy and love of God.

Week 1: Deck the Halls with Hope | Scripture: Isaiah 9:2-7

In times when we feel uncertain, God provides an answer.

Week 2: Deck the Halls with Peace | Scripture: Isaiah 26:7-13

In an uneven season of stress and distractions, God offers us the roadmap to peace.

Week 3: Deck the Halls with Joy | Children’s Musical

Week 4: Deck the Halls with Love | Scripture: Matthew 1:18-25

God is with us always and gives us the greatest gift of love, the choice to accept it, and the call to share it.

Christmas Eve/Christmas Day: Deck the Halls for Christ | Scripture: Luke 2:1-20

We come this day to celebrate the birth of Christ, the Savior of the world.

Week 5: Deck the Halls with a Promise Fulfilled | Scripture: Luke 2:22-40

As we celebrate the promise of God, fulfilled in Jesus, we hold onto God’s promises for our lives too.

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to Aug 25

Summer Worship Outdoor Service

Join us this summer for our outdoor service at the pavilion at Wenonah Park. This early morning service begins at 8:45 am. We encourage you to bring a comfy chair and check the weather for what clothes to wear! Bring your coffee and worship with friends.

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Rumage Sale

Rumage Sale

Our annual Rummage Sale to support youth mission. Lots of clothing, housewares, books, holiday, shoes, jewelry, and miscellaneous! Low prices!

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Euchre Tournament

Euchre Tournament

Our annual Euchre Tournament to raise money for youth mission work and suicide awareness. Double elimination. Blind partners. $20 to play. Cash prizes for top three teams. Concession food available for purchase. Sign up now - event limited to 64 players.

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Better Together- Spring Sermon Series
to May 19

Better Together- Spring Sermon Series

Peanut Butter and Jelly, Oreos and Milk, Coffee and a Doughnut. What do all these things have in common? They are Better Together!

Better Together- this is the slogan of our spring sermon series and it is the point on the book of Ephesians. We are not meant to walk this road of life and faith alone. Often we forget that we need this community of faith in our walk — which we are content to try and manage ourselves. From the Garden of Eden, to the first church in Acts, to the worship of God in Revelation — scripture reveals to us that we were created to be part of a community. The Church plays a vital role in bringing together the people of God in prayer, worship, fun, and care.

I pray you will join us this spring as we explore what it means to be a community of God and a community for God.

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Lent Bible Study

Lent Bible Study

Join pastor Brenna at church from 11am-12pm Mondays or 6-7 pm Tuesdays as we study the Lord's prayer this Lent. Each week we will examine a part of the prayer, its theological understandings, and what it means in practical ways during Lent. There is a cost is 8 dollar for the participant booklet. Please sign up by calling the church, emailing, or talking to pastor Brenna

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Lent Bible Study

Lent Bible Study

Join pastor Brenna at church from 11am-12pm Mondays or 6-7 pm Tuesdays as we study the Lord's prayer this Lent. Each week we will examine a part of the prayer, its theological understandings, and what it means in practical ways during Lent. There is a cost is 8 dollar for the participant booklet. Please sign up by calling the church, emailing, or talking to pastor Brenna

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Lent Bible Study

Lent Bible Study

Join pastor Brenna at church from 11am-12pm Mondays or 6-7 pm Tuesdays as we study the Lord's prayer this Lent. Each week we will examine a part of the prayer, its theological understandings, and what it means in practical ways during Lent. There is a cost is 8 dollar for the participant booklet. Please sign up by calling the church, emailing, or talking to pastor Brenna

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Lent Bible Study

Lent Bible Study

Join pastor Brenna at church from 11am-12pm Mondays or 6-7 pm Tuesdays as we study the Lord's prayer this Lent. Each week we will examine a part of the prayer, its theological understandings, and what it means in practical ways during Lent. There is a cost is 8 dollar for the participant booklet. Please sign up by calling the church, emailing, or talking to pastor Brenna

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Lent Bible Study

Lent Bible Study

Join pastor Brenna at church from 11am-12pm Mondays or 6-7 pm Tuesdays as we study the Lord's prayer this Lent. Each week we will examine a part of the prayer, its theological understandings, and what it means in practical ways during Lent. There is a cost is 8 dollar for the participant booklet. Please sign up by calling the church, emailing, or talking to pastor Brenna

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