The Kitchen Sink
Looking for something you couldn’t find on the site? This is the place for you. Here you will find information on everything from getting married to using our facilities. If you can’t find what you need, make sure to use the contact for to reach us!

Here at FPC we love to celebrate with engaged couples and help them plan their weddings in our historic and beautiful sanctuary. If you are interested in getting married in the church please follow the link below to see our wedding handbook.
Baptism is an important part of our Christian faith and we are here to help you as you embark on your journey. If you re interested in getting baptized or in having you baby or children baptized follow the link below to connect with our pastoral staff.
In your time of loss and grief we are here for you. If you are looking to plan a memorial or funeral in our sanctuary or courtyard please download the handbook below for information.
if you are interested in being interred in our columbarium in the courtyard please download the information booklet in the link below.
Building Use.
If you are a non-profit or 501 C-3 and are interested in using our facilities for an event or in partnership please download and read our building use guidelines.