Mission Matters: If you are looking for a wonderful volunteer experience, we are joining with Westminster Pres to sponsor a full bed build for the Sleep in Heavenly Peace organization. We need 50-60 volunteers between the churches to make this happen! The date is the morning of April 12 from 8:45 until roughly noon. We’ll have a lunch afterwards in the break room at Delta.
Sleep in Heavenly Peace (SHP) is a national non-profit organization that makes handmade bunk beds for needy children who do not have a bed of their own. No construction skills are required, and SHP provides training and all tools and equipment. The build will take place at Delta College. Delta is requiring that all participants be at least 18 years old. In order to sign up, you must use the QR code in the flyer. Spaces are limited, so if you are interested sign up soon! Please see Pastor Brenna with any questions.