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Better Together- Spring Sermon Series

Peanut Butter and Jelly, Oreos and Milk, Coffee and a Doughnut. What do all these things have in common? They are Better Together!

Better Together- this is the slogan of our spring sermon series and it is the point on the book of Ephesians. We are not meant to walk this road of life and faith alone. Often we forget that we need this community of faith in our walk — which we are content to try and manage ourselves. From the Garden of Eden, to the first church in Acts, to the worship of God in Revelation — scripture reveals to us that we were created to be part of a community. The Church plays a vital role in bringing together the people of God in prayer, worship, fun, and care.

I pray you will join us this spring as we explore what it means to be a community of God and a community for God.

March 30

Holy Saturday Vigil

April 13

Euchre Tournament